Why Group Fitness Classes Are Popular

Want to be more active but need motivation to stay consistent? Or looking for a way to re-energize your regime? Group fitness classes may be your answer.

Maintaining consistent workouts can be challenging. Between managing your schedule, creating a good variety of routines and executing them correctly, staying motivated can take a lot of work. This is why group fitness classes, whether in-person or online, remain a popular workout option. So make your fitness journey more manageable with the health hack that is group classes. 

Sign up for a class near you and enjoy these potential benefits:

  1. Consistency: Use the class schedule as a consistent workout schedule to stick to, even if it's just a once-a-week thing.
  2. Personal training: Even if you are technically sharing them with the rest of the class, you get access to an instructor who will guide you through a workout routine and help you learn the correct form for various exercises.
  3. Variety: There are many types of group fitness classes, like yoga, pilates, spin, HIIT, strength training, Zumba, kickboxing and more, so you should be able to find ones that interest you and meet your limitations.
  4. New playlists: Music choice can be critical to an energized workout, so having access to someone else's playlist might introduce you to a new set of pump-up tunes.1
  5. Community: Fitness studios are like their own little community, and, according to some studies, the more groupness felt by participants, the more enjoyable they found the fitness classes.2 This also offers an opportunity for socialization and can be a great way to meet new people with similar interests.

Looking for other ways to improve your health? Assess your health from the convenience and comfort at home with one of imaware's at-home tests, like Men's Health & Wellness Test, Baseline Heart Health Test, Women's Health & Wellness Test, Immune Defense Test and more.    


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5435671/ 
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6756792/